Category Archives: Golden Time

Golden Time First Impressions

Golden Time is one of those animes that at first sight your first thoughts are: “this thing reeks of failure” and you aren’t wrong. I felt exactly the same. I was really reluctant that the series had any type of interesting factor.

Thus, it all ended up with me reading the manga. To my surprise, the manga has done an evenĀ bigger impression than the anime ever did. The setting of this series in a university somewhere in Japan. Tada is a law student just living life with his best friend Mitsuo.

Mitsuo wants to escape the clutches of his now ex-girlfriend Kaga-san. She’s possessive, insecure, and oblivious to Mitsuo to the point that nobody in his high school wanted to be friends with him due to Kaga.

This manga is packaged with lots of drama, and if this is up your alley then don’t be turned off by the anime andĀ read the manga. I think, most of us who read manga knows the horrors when series get adapted into anime. There’s this cold sweat that you know they’ll mess it up.

Like I said before, I felt this when I watched the pilot. It was really underwhelming for me to the point that I didn’t really want to watch another 10 minutes of it.

I know it’s still too early to make such call. Only one episode I would imagine that you’d say “wait, bakaaaaaaa, give it time!”

Sadly, some anime adaptations have left a bad taste in the past. Golden Time deserves better attention, therefore I will recommend to everyone to just read the manga.